Image showing Root Canal Procedure

15 million root canal procedures are performed in the U.S. every year. Root canal perhaps the most common endodontic procedure. Unfortunately, they’re also one of the most feared dental procedures!

Aldie root canal treatments are generally painless. The procedure relieves you of the intense pain that is usually felt before the procedure.

What exactly is a root canal and how is it different from other kinds of dental concerns?

Image showing Root Canal Procedure

What is it?

Beneath the protective covering of enamel on your teeth lies a soft, flesh-like substance called “dental pulp.” This pulp holds within it blood vessels, nerves and connective tissues, and extends to the root of your teeth.

A root canal occurs when the pulp gets badly infected due to bacteria entering through a cavity or crack in the enamel. These bacteria have the potential to cause infections that can kill the pulp, cause bone loss and even cause the loss of the entire tooth.

A root canal treatment generally removes the infected pulp and bacteria from inside the tooth, leaving the enamel intact. The residual hole is then cleaned out and the walls of the tooth are scrubbed down. The open tooth is filled with a permanent filling and is then covered by a protective casing called a “crown” in order to seal the tooth.

So, what are the signs that the pain you are experiencing is that of a root canal and not of some other dental issue?

Common Symptoms of Root Canals:


Root canal pain is different from the pain of other dental issues. It typically gets worse after eating, or when you apply any kind of pressure to the tooth. It may even be a pulsating pain; almost as if it has a life of its own. Root canal pain may linger for minutes or even hours. The pain can sometimes be so intense that it may even wake you up at night.


What makes root canal sensitivity different from regular sensitivity is that it tends to persist even when the hot or cold stimulus is removed.

Swelling and Tenderness

You may even notice frequent tenderness or swelling in the gum area around the tooth. In extreme cases this may even spread to the face or the neck. You may be able to see a gum lesion – a small raised bump – which can sometimes leak pus out into your mouth, leaving a sour taste behind.

About Stone Spring Dentistry

If you’ve noticed any of these symptoms, it might be time to head on over to your dentist so they can determine for sure with an X-ray if you need a root canal.

Stone Spring Dentistry aims to provide you with the highest quality restorative dental care and can detect and treat your root canal with little trouble.

Having been in the cosmetic dentistry business for over 20 years, Dr. Nikta Marvdashti is an expert at all things dental from root canal treatments to dental porcelain veneers aldie. Stone Springs Dentistry offers its services to residents of Aldi, South Riding and other nearby communities in Loudoun County.

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